The Ghost of an Image (2014) is a spoken word performance, integrating print works, video loops and digital audio, and using various supernatural tropes to meditate upon personal loss, remembrance, belief systems and magical subjectivities. The spoken segment concluded with a collective séance experiment performed together with the assembled audience memebers and enabled by an piece of digital audio broadcasting a 19.98 Hz sine wave into the space.
The work was first performed to a live audience at ‘The Drawing Room’, an exhibtion space of art education institute ︎︎︎IADT, Dun Laoghaire (Ireland). It was later perfomed as a broadcast in a modified form as part of an art radio event by ︎︎︎insitu art project space (Berlin).

The Ghost of an Image, 2014
Spoken word performance, including a looped digital projection, digital audio and a edtion of 3 screen printed works
Duration ca 45:00 mins Below: detail of the print works hung on the street-facing exhibtion wall of the art space
Photos courtesy IADT-DL