Ciarán Walsh

The Forgotten Zine Archive (2004-7) was a large categorised collection of underground publications in Dublin (Ireland) containing over 1000 examples. The lo-fi publications included mapped out countercultural activities and networks in Ireland and internationally, in media at the beginning of a process of almost complete replacement by online alternatives. By concentrating on this paper output, the archive attempted to present a material overview of often fluid and typically only partially visible underground scenes. In addition to a regular reading room, an exhibition and an interview condcuted on national Newstalk FM radio, the Irish component of the archive was loaned to artist Sarah Pierce for her ︎︎︎representation of Ireland at the Venice Biennale in 2005. After 2007 I handed over the project to a collective of librarians and zine enthusiasts.

Archival photographs of The Forgotten Zine Archice, ca. 2005/6 
Photographers unknown